LEARNVSCode Power Tips & Tricks

VSCode Settings Sync

There can be a scenario where you have two computers for work. One can be your home computer and the other can be your work computer. So if you think about it, you would want to have the same settings you have in your VSCode work computer in your home computer.

I have always said that one of the best parts of VSCode are its extensions. So, let’s take a look at one of these extensions and sync our settings.

Settings Sync

This extension allows you to sync your VSCode settings with a GitHub gist. You can save everything in a gist and then later use these settings in another computer. This extension syncs everything from your extensions to your keybindings to your personal VSCode settings.

Let’s set this extension in steps.

Step #1

Install this extension from VSCode Marketplace. Make sure you have the author right.


Step #2

Now open the Command Palette by pressing CMD (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + P and search for sync. Now select the option shown in the image from the list.


Step #3

It will take you to the following page. Click on login with GitHub now.


Step #4

Now authorize this extension by clicking on Authorize shanalikhan. /content/Screenshot_2020-07-28_at_12.32.17_AM.png

Step #5

You will get this page. If you have already created some gists then you can scroll down on it and select create a new gist. /content/Screenshot_2020-07-28_at_12.32.45_AM.png

Step #6

And Settings Sync will upload all of your VSCode settings, including extensions, keybindings, settings, etc to a private gist. /content/Screenshot_2020-07-28_at_12.33.29_AM.png

You can open https://gist.github.com/yourusername and you will see your private gist there. /content/Screenshot_2020-07-28_at_12.34.34_AM.png

Step #7

Now again open the Command Palette and search for sync again and now select the following option from the image. /content/Screenshot_2020-07-28_at_12.36.32_AM.png

Now from the next menu, select Sync: Toggle Auto-Update On Settings Change. This will allow Settings Sync to upload all of your settings again to the same gist that was created in step 5. /content/Screenshot_2020-07-28_at_12.36.39_AM.png

Now you can install this extension in your home computer and easily get all of your settings of your work computer through it.

Wrapping Up

Settings Sync is a great extension that is taking care of settings sync needs of over a million developers. You should definitely try this one out if you want to sync your VSCode settings with GitHub Gists.